

Delia learned documentary photography on the go in Havana, Cuba in 2012, when they were hired as a teaching assistant for a month-long photography study abroad program there based on their language skills and prior experience studying on the island for three months. They were thrilled to return the following year to have more time in Cuba, and another month dedicated primarily to making images. Back in the US, they got a taste for photojournalism at the Harvard Extension School.

Delia has shot for Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Accion International, Planned Parenthood, Hollaback! Boston, MassChallenge, and the Massachusetts Bar Association, among others, often serving as the in-house photographer at whatever non-profit or government office they serve in at the time. They specialize in protests, candid portraits, and challenging lightening scenarios. They love an aggressive crop, graphic elements, and shooting through frames. They especially enjoy taking photos of older folks, children, and their extensive, eccentric family.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, 2017-2019

Fintech in Uganda and Kenya - Accion International, 2017

Black Lives Matter - Boston, 2014-2015

Daily life in Cuba - 2012-2013